An ABCGN Overview: Certification is Within Your Reach

This episode of Gut to the Chase features Lisa Heard, ABCGN President-elect 2021-22 and Heather Rich, ABCGN Executive Director, as they discuss the process for CGRN certification, tips for meeting challenges on the road to certification, and raising awareness of certification. 

Episode posted March 2021.

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An ABCGN Overview: The Certification Process is Within Your Reach
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio. This episode of Gut to the Chase features Lisa Heard, ABCGN President-elect 2021-22 and Heather Rich, ABCGN Executive Director, as they discuss the process for CGRN certification, tips for meeting challenges on the road to certification, and raising awareness of certification.