Frequently Asked Questions
As of January 1, 2024, all SGNA webinars offered in the 2024 calendar year will be pre-recorded and available for viewing and/or purchase through the SGNA eLearning Center. This page outlines some of the frequently asked questions and highlights new steps in this process.
Where are the webinars hosted?
Members and non-members can access the pre-recorded webinar in the “Featured Webinars” section.
How do I log in?
SGNA's eLearning Center is linked to the SGNA website with "single sign-on" which means that you'll need to log in to the SGNA website with your usual SGNA credentials in order to be logged in to the eLearning Center. To do this, click the "Log In" button in the top right corner of the eLearning Center homepage, then enter your usual SGNA credentials and click "Log In." If you are not re-directed back to the eLearning Center, click on the small light bulb icon in the left toolbar. If you get to the eLearning Center homepage but it still says "Log In" at the top, refresh the page and/or click the "Log In" button again.
How do I sign up for a webinar?
To view information regarding webinars, please visit our Featured Webinars page. Registration for each pre-recorded webinar will be available prior to the launch date of the webinar. On the launch date of each webinar, you will return to SGNA's eLearning Center, view your courses, and be able to access the recording. There is no longer an external link for viewing webinars.
How can I claim Category 1 Contact Hours?
Clinical webinars that are released and available for viewing in 2024 will follow the below process for category 1 contact hours.
- Participants must register (members) or purchase (non-members) and successfully complete the webinar within 30 days of the release date to earn category 1 Contact Hour.
- Participants will have the ability to ask questions regarding the webinar by submitting them to info@sgna.org and referencing the title of the webinar. The questions will be forwarded to the presenter. At the end of the 30 days, the submitted questions and the answers will be sent to anyone who has completed the webinar.
- Participants successfully completing the webinar within the 30 days will earn a Category 1 Contact Hour. Successful Completion of this accredited continuing education activity is based on:
1) Being registered for this activity,
2) Viewing of the entire webinar within 30 days of the release date, and
3) Completion of the Evaluation.
What if I am unable to complete the webinar within 30 days of its release?
If you are unable to successfully complete the webinar within the 30 days, you can still earn nursing contact hours. However, the contact hours will be ABCGN Category 5. Successful Completion of this accredited continuing education activity is based on: Being registered for this activity, Viewing of the entire webinar, and Completion of the Evaluation.
How do I search for eLearning Courses?
There are several ways to search for eLearning content. You may search the entire website, as well as the catalog of eLearning courses, by using the search bar on the top right of the tool bar. To advanced search, click on the Catalog tab and then click Advanced Search. The Associates Bundle can only be located via the advanced search.
Does SGNA offer contact hours?
Yes! The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc., is accredited as a Provider of Continuing Nursing Education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Other accreditation bodies also approve some of SGNA’s education. Please contact them for specifics about certification and requirements.
Where can I find my certificates?
For programs completed within this platform after June 10, 2019, please go to the MY LEARNING tab, then My eLearning Courses, then Filter By Status and click Completed. Completed courses will be listed below along with their certificates.
For programs completed within SGNA’s previous platform prior to June 10, 2019, visit the SGNA Store to purchase a digital copy. These requests will be handled on an individual basis, and SGNA cannot guarantee that certificates obtained before June 10, 2019 will be available.
Can I use the new eLearning Center on my tablet or phone?
YES! While some of SGNA’s lengthier self-paced programs may not work on tablets or phones, the Annual Course Recorded Sessions, Live and Recorded Webinars should work on your tablets and phones.
Why isn't my eLearning Center program playing?
SGNA's eLearning Center is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11. It is recommended that you view and complete your eLearning programs using an up-to-date version of Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. To check whether your browser is up-to-date, click here. If you are using a VPN or Remote Desktop connection to access content, please disconnect and reattempt from a regular connection. If you continue to experience issues please close all SGNA tabs, clear your browsing history and cache, and try again. Steps for clearing your browser cache can be found here.
How do I buy something for someone else?
If you’re interested in purchasing an item for someone else, you may do so at checkout! The person for whom you are buying must have already logged onto the eLearning Center prior to your purchase. You will enter their information when you purchase on their behalf and when they log in, the program will appear within their eLearning Center.
Programs must be completed under the name of the user. SGNA does not provide certificates or support users completing programs under other users’ accounts.
How do I purchase and take a course?
Purchase a course by clicking “register” and then proceeding to your cart. After payment is processed, courses will appear within the MY LEARNING section of the eLearning Center.
What types of educational products are available?
There are many options for eLearning. All options are available for viewing and filtering through the CATALOG function and include formats such as lengthier self-paced programs, Annual Course Session Recordings, and Recorded Webinars. The topics and level of experience vary by program.
Does SGNA offer certification?
SGNA does not offer certification. The SGNA Associates Program offers associates and technicians core knowledge of the GI/endoscopy specialty and work setting along with 7.0 contact hours from CBSPD, but is not a certification program. To view more information on the Associates Program, please visit https://www.sgna.org/Learn/Associates-Technicians. To learn more about certification please visit CBSPD and HSPA.
Do you accept purchase orders for online education?
No, SGNA does not accept purchase orders for online education.
Does SGNA offer refunds for online education?
No, SGNA does not offer refunds for any of the online education.
What is a Promo Code and how do I get one?
A Promo Code is periodically offered for various SGNA promotions. Most of the time, promotional pricing is automatically applied at check out without a Promo Code. Please disregard the Promo Code option within the check out process if it's not applicable.
Do you offer group or bulk purchasing? What about group memberships and pricing?
Yes! SGNA does offer discounts and perks for bulk purchasing and institutional memberships. For some of our lengthier programs, such as Associates Program, Advanced Associates Program, and Transition to Practice Program we offer 5% off the purchase of 5-10 programs, and 10% off the purchase of 11+ programs. This promotion is applied automatically within the cart at checkout and is only eligible for a single purchase made by one user with one payment method. Please see "How do I buy something for someone else?" above for additional information. For questions regarding bulk pricing of our eLearning Center products, please contact Dorothy Christoforou at dchristoforou@sgna.org. For those interested in purchasing 25+ programs, we encourage a look at our group membership options. For questions regarding group membership with SGNA, please contact Tess Ruzga at truzga@sgna.org.
Where can I buy educational books and other tangible products?
At the SGNA Store: https://sgna.ps.membersuite.com/onlinestorefront/BrowseMerchandise.aspx
I still need help – who should I contact?
For questions related to SGNA and educational content, please email info@sgna.org
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