Multisociety Guideline on Reprocessing Flexible GI Endoscopes and Accessories: A Brief Overview of the 2021 Updates

This episode of Gut to the Chase features one of the authors, James Collins, Endoscopy Accreditation Nurse at the Cleveland Clinic, as he shares some key changes in the newest version of the guideline.

Episode posted March 2021.

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Multisociety Guideline on Reprocessing Flexible GI Endoscopes and Accessories: A Brief Overview of the 2021 Updates
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio. This episode of Gut to the Chase features one of the authors, James Collins, Endoscopy Accreditation Nurse at the Cleveland Clinic, as he shares some key changes in the newest version of the guideline.